My Raspberry Pi managed curing chamber is working a treat now.
Just loaded my latest batch of experiments:
From L to R:
1. Lonzino (plus a small one hiding behind)
2. Picnic Procuitto
3. Goat Leg Violin
4. Lonzo
All simple cure : salt, pepper (lots of), Cure #2. I'm trying Texel DCM for the 1st time and
also using Bactoferm 600.
All cased in collagen casings - still wet in the photo but will shrink to fit.
Just loaded my latest batch of experiments:
From L to R:
1. Lonzino (plus a small one hiding behind)
2. Picnic Procuitto
3. Goat Leg Violin
4. Lonzo
All simple cure : salt, pepper (lots of), Cure #2. I'm trying Texel DCM for the 1st time and
also using Bactoferm 600.
All cased in collagen casings - still wet in the photo but will shrink to fit.