Got a Pork Loin Im wanting to do tomorrow. Never done a pork loin before. Any advice Ill take. I have a CharGriller Wood Pellet grill. I was gonna use mustard and a nice rub.Time and temps..anything you got. Any help would be great thanks.
Never done it before? One of the easiest things you can do is a loin, so you're in luck. Not trying to talk you out of the mustard bath, but when I've try something new, I want the bare bones basics so I can taste it in its most banal form, then go nuts from there. Fat cap up, this cut should be cooked hotter and faster than others, due to how lean it is throughout. 290ish cook temp, with an internal temp of 145ish is done: pull and let rest, and it will run up to where it needs to be. Not a fan of wrapping, as I don't like a mushy exterior. You can flash over the flame for a couple of minutes once you've got it to temp to crisp up slightly. Weight certainly plays into time on: are you doing a full or half? Half should be under 3 hours, if you're trying to gauge grill to slice, but cook to temp instead of time. Use this as a ballpark to back into dinnertime for your guests. If full, you may want to halve, and do one nearly naked (SPOG) and the other with the mustard and rub. Good luck, hope it goes well for you.Got a Pork Loin Im wanting to do tomorrow. Never done a pork loin before. Any advice Ill take. I have a CharGriller Wood Pellet grill. I was gonna use mustard and a nice rub.Time and temps..anything you got. Any help would be great thanks.