Decided to try my hand at a pork butt this weekend. Surfed the forums and found many tips and put them to good use. Coated the butt in mustard and Bad Byron's Butt Rub and let sit in the fridge for a day. Tossed it on the smoker around 0500 this morning, wrapped in foil and gave it a shot of apple juice once it hit 165*F...and waited patiently until it hit 205*F. Removed from grill, wrapped in towel and let it set for an hour.
Used SoFlaQuer's recipe for a finishing sauce and a BBQ sauce recipe I found elsewhere online consisting of Sweet Baby Ray's Original BBQ sauce, Cherry Dr. Pepper, and brown sugar.
It was tasty... :PDT_Armataz_01_34:
Used SoFlaQuer's recipe for a finishing sauce and a BBQ sauce recipe I found elsewhere online consisting of Sweet Baby Ray's Original BBQ sauce, Cherry Dr. Pepper, and brown sugar.
It was tasty... :PDT_Armataz_01_34: