Hi All I used the DiggindDogFarm calculator, here is what I came up with.
I had to a change my measurements my flat was only 2 lbs.
View attachment 470292 Total meat & water 2116 grams New measurements 5.28 grams cure..37 salt.21 sugar..5.28 grams of cure=1.5 teaspoon.Doesn't look like much cure? Water is 1.5 quarts.?
Now I need a good rub/black pepper & corandier for the smoking part.Last one was way too peppery for my taste.
Thanks DanB
PS The 2 lb flat is now brining, for 5 -7 days.
It doesn't take much cure to get the job done. I get 5.44g of Cure #1, because I added the weight of sugar and salt to the weight of the meat and water.
I would echo the others in that Cure #1 should be added to a cool brine, as simmering degrades the effectiveness. I can not tell you how much the nitrites are affected, only that many reliable sources don't recommend it. Typically, the procedure is to take some of your brining water and simmer it with any aromatics to release their flavor, then add salt and dissolve, then add sugar and dissolve. Add the remaining water and allow to brine to cool before adding Cure #1. A shortcut is to reduce the remaining water and add ice, but allowing the aromatics to "steep" in water for a few hours as it cools back down makes for more flavor.
The flavor of a pastrami rub is based on pepper, coriander, and garlic.... with some signature seasonings mixed in. You want to avoid salt since the meat has been corned. Here s my pastrami rub and it's enough for a couple of brisket flats. Since you want a less peppery rub , maybe reduce the black pepper by 50%, then taste it and go from there. You might find that increasing the garlic and onion will offset the pepper flavor too. Other things I've seen in pastrami rubs are Turbinado sugar, juniper berries, ginger, cloves and nutmeg. (I wrote an article years ago that includes some sweet glazes for Pastrami submitted by an Irish gentleman that has "off the boat" heritage if you are interested...)
~thirdeye's~ Pastrami Rub
4 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper (more if you like it peppery)
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon granulated garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoons Canadian/Montreal Steak seasoning
1/2 teaspoon thyme, dried
1 teaspoon paprika
Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.