newbie here been looking for a good electric smoker don't know what to get soo many to choose from any help appreciated?
mainly electric because I'm usually busy and want to be able to almost set it and forget it!!Might I ask; why electric?
Well, an electric will mostly allow you to do that. However, most all electric models have a problem with the digital temperature reading actually matching the real temp inside of the cook chamber. You'll need to figure out how accurate the digital read out is when compared to the internal temp of the pit.
mainly electric because I'm usually busy and want to be able to almost set it and forget it!!
gotcha I def plan on getting a good thermometer! I just cant decide on what smoker to get! its kind of racking my brain lol
Well, an electric will mostly allow you to do that. However, most all electric models have a problem with the digital temperature reading actually matching the real temp inside of the cook chamber. You'll need to figure out how accurate the digital read out is when compared to the internal temp of the pit.
Then, you can set it and forget it, but you will need to look at it every now and then to make sure you didn't trip a breaker and that you're still smoking...
mainly different meats ribs,pork,mabye some fish
Well, let's talk about what you WANT to do with the smoker... Just smoke chicken, or do you want to smoke many different meats and possible do hanging sausage too?
yea I think I'm leaning towards the mb40 and an amazen! just have to make sure I get a gen 2.5 correct?
Well, the MB 40 will hold a good bit of food and is fairly user friendly. I have one that I use now and then and it does a nice job. For the money, it'll work for you and make some good Q. The MB 30 is too small for some folks.
Either way you decide to go, you'll probably want to look into one of the AMAZEN pellet smoke trays or tubes. They last a LOT longer than the chip tubes and they are more efficient. The AMAZEN tube/tray will also give you more of the set and forget. With the chip tubes, you'll be having to tend the smoker every hour
Hmm, that I'm not sure of... Hopefully one of the MB gurus will come in soon and answer that one.
just have to make sure I get a gen 2.5 correct?
I gotcha. I'm just always curious why folks choose the methods they do. Its interesting.
mainly electric because I'm usually busy and want to be able to almost set it and forget it!!