Howdee Joe nice to meet ya. And a golf Pro! Listen I am having problems with my fade..... LOL
You'll seriously love it here if you've never smoked before or if you are looking for something different to impress. There are some awesome cooks as well as professional chefs here. I've learned more here by accident than I already knew and it ain't my first rodeo.
The search engine is extensive, pictures are called Q-view, there are tutorials for thinks you never heard of. members stretch from Thailand to the UK and we all have one thing in common if we can't smoke right now, we want to talk about it!
We appreciate you filling out the profile, this way we know where you hang your hat at night and when in a discussion it really helps.
But we also ask that you share with us, q-view when ever possible of your achievements because they can inspire others to stretch their horizons and try new things that you did.
Well I have been told I babble, its Ok, I was a trained professional salesman, but don't try it at home if not properly trained.
Welcome, if we can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to simply say something. A PM, a Forum, or a management. Its a great place.