Check out this slicer I scored today. It a Berkel model 825E Plus. I have been looking for a while on Craigslist and eBay all over the country and also checking out all the local want ads. I hadn't been able to any really good deals. They were either to big, too heavy duty, too expensive or too old. Then today I opened the local craigslist site and found this slicer. It was being sold by a guy who lived 10 minutes from me. It's only a few years old. He said it had only been used three times. Once to slice up a roast for Jerky and twice to slice up some apples for apple chips. By the looks of it I believe him. It looks brand new. No scratches, no nicks and, no gouges. It doesn't even have any wear marks on the blade or aluminum surfaces. The best part is I picked it up for about a third of the price or a brand new one and since he lived close by there was no shipping costs which we're going to run around $100. Here are some picks.
It is a real nice light duty commertial slicer. Perfect for what I would use it for. I want to thank Woodcutter for his help on choosing to buy this slicer. He has the 823 which is very similar. He and I PM'd back and forth with questions and answers. His advice on this unit was very helpful to me deciding to buy this slicer. Without him I may have mussed out on this sweet deal.
It is a real nice light duty commertial slicer. Perfect for what I would use it for. I want to thank Woodcutter for his help on choosing to buy this slicer. He has the 823 which is very similar. He and I PM'd back and forth with questions and answers. His advice on this unit was very helpful to me deciding to buy this slicer. Without him I may have mussed out on this sweet deal.