I am Matt from Murfreesboro, TN and have just gotten the Kamado Joe Classic for my 30th bday. I have had one of those $50 leaky smokers for the past few years and used it maybe 2-3 per year. Now that I have gotten this bad boy I plan on using it to smoke a few times a month, I already use it to grill prob 3-4 per week as the weather allows. I have already purchased thermoworks instant read thermometer and a wireless maverick 733 dual probe thermometer. I plan on jumping in full force as soon as I get my Divide and Conquer system from the manufacturer. Any advice and suggestions with others with a Kamado style grill would be greatly appreciated. First order of business for me is to get my own rub and/or sauce in the works! I already have a 7lb brisket flat in the freezer waiting to be smoked! A random thing about me is I am also a Homebrewer and collect Craft Beers from all over the world! Cheers!
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