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new to smoking and this site got a masterbuilt 30-in elec.smoker for xmas my name is Daniel live in middle tn was wandering if the rub recipe is in jeffs book
Glad you joined us vols37160, congrats on the new MES and :welcome1: from North Dakota!
To my knowledge Jeff's rub recipe is only available through ordering it on this forum... :dunno
Go to Jeff's site and order the rub recipe. I think you also get his sauce recipe which I think is fantastic. I like to take some of the sauce and add freshly ground horseradish for some kick. It is awesome with smoked shrimp! I usually make up double batches of rub and keep extra in an airtight container. Works equally well if you are just grilling hamburgers as well!
Hello and welcome from East Texas. This is a great site, lots of information and great people that are willing to throw in their two cents worth on about anything. [/h1][h1] [/h1][h1]Gary[/h1]