First day of vacation in North Arkansas on the first beautiful cool day of a long summer 2 years ago. I was riding with a guy I met the night before, and I guess I just lost track of what I was doing. My mind was wandering, taking in the scenery, looked back to see how my buddy was doing, looked down at the road just in time to see the center line pulling off to the left real quick. Looked up and last thing I remember was pulling hard trying to get back on the road. Woke up while waiting on the ambulance. Docs said my blood sugar was real high, maybe that had something to do with it but more than likely I just got careless. Took a while to get back on the bike both physically and mentally. You know getting back in the saddle is as much overcoming the fear as anything else.
My buddy doesn't believe me when I tell him where the left hand rider salute comes from, you know, left arm point down to the road when you pass another biker. He says I'm crazy when I tell him its from the old days when riders would point to the bike parts falling of the other guy's Harley.