My own Gas Station
I figured this might be a good time to change the subject a Little.
Just had to show you guys what Bear Jr did for his Old Crippled Up Dad.
For the last couple years, I’ve been having trouble handling my 5 Gal and 7 Gallon Gas Cans for filling my Tractor & my Cub Mower.
So Bear Jr got me this thing (below).
It holds 14 gallons of gas, and there’s no electric or Batteries.
It works purely on gravity.
He was going to put it in my garage, but I told him I wasn’t crazy about having it set up in a building attached to my house & sleeping quarters.
So he rigged it up in his Tower Shop Pole Barn.
He mounted it inside the end towards my house.
Then he drilled a hole in the steel siding & put in a Grommet for the hose to go through.
He mounted a box above it, and a hanger for the gas pump handle.
Now all I have to do is drive down the hill from my yard, pull up next to it, and Fill-er-Up.
Works Great !!
Here's what it looks like on the wall. That's Bear Jr inside:
Fill-er-up there Buddy---Regular!! Forget the Windshield:
Here's what it looks like inside: