sawhorseray , this is fantastic. I’ve used Umai before with great results and I just ordered it again. Ok, so the Coppa is also what is used to make Buckboard Bacon? I just picked up a couple of bone-in butts to make Buckboard and, if I’m not mistaken, that’s the cut. Right? So what do you all do with the stuff left on the bone? Sausage? Pork steak?
Hi Sven! Buckboard bacon is made from a straight cut below the fat-cap taking some of the money muscle meat, one hopes to get about a 50/50 fat to meat ratio. I made some Buckboard an eon back, not really my thing longer I make my bacon from belly meat for the last 20 years or so.
Makin' Maple-Honey Bacon!
After chasing maple flavor for my bacon for over 20 years I have finally found the recipe that works for me! Picked up a 11.44 pound pork belly at Costco, biggest they had on display at $4.29lb. Slurry Cure: 90 grams canning salt 1/2 cup 100% pure Grade A maple syrup 1/2 cup clover honey 1/2...
I make my own sausage so that usually goes into the grind unless I fire up the Q for some pulled pork. A pig is a beautiful animal, nothing ever really need to go to waste. RAY