The title is a bit of a misnomer being that I'm not allowed to enter...but if I could, this would have been my entry. Feelings about burgers are a mixed bag around here. I like a good burger once in a while but Tracy could eat them 5 days a week and not get tired of them. It's about her favorite food on the planet and truth be told, I was pretty much burnt out with them and cringed every time she asked for them. Thing is that she's so supportive of all my interests it's only fair to suffer through burgers if it makes her happy. Last week I got to cringe again when she asked for them. Being the obedient and well trained husband, I started getting stuff together. Oops!! We only have 1 burger bun. Looked in the pantry to see what else was available. Nope, not gonna do them on bread because it'd just turn to mush. The thought of a burger on a cinnamon raisin bagel wasn't very appealing either. Then I saw the charras. Hmmm...the cogs started turning. Told her what I had in mind for mine and she asked me to toss the one bun and do hers the same way.
All the major players. That's cream cheese on the bottom right.
Burgers seasoned and on the grill.
Spread a nice layer of refried beans on two of the charras.
Flip the burgers and season the other side.
Add the cream cheese and jalapenos.
When the cream cheese softens a bit they go onto the charras with the beans, on a cookie sheet, and on the top rack of the grill.
Add tomatoes and onions to the burger like you would a taco, then fresh guac on the lid. This would probably by my entry picture.
Plated and out to the patio. Served with tortilla chips and some sour cream. Kind of a boring looking plate though.
Possibly 2nd choice for the entry pic.
One huge mess but a perfectly cooked burger.
This may sound like a bizarre combination of ingredients but it worked...beautifully. The beans added a texture and flavor component that really brought a lot to the party. The flavor combination of the cream cheese and jalapenos was simply magical. Rich, smooth, creamy cheese balanced splendidly with the twang of the peppers. What's not to love about fresh guac? The crunch of the charra is hands down preferred over a soft bun. Both of us loved it. This one was a true game changer. Now I no longer dread the thought of a burger. Matter of fact, I'm looking forward to doing these again real soon. Hey Brian (
) are you watching my friend? I'm taking bets on how long it'll be before you make these
I have tostadas also and will probably use them next time because they are a little smaller than the charras and the burger would fit better. Still in all though, an excellent burger.
My first food related post in ages and it's a burger. Whodathunk it?
All the major players. That's cream cheese on the bottom right.
Burgers seasoned and on the grill.
Spread a nice layer of refried beans on two of the charras.
Flip the burgers and season the other side.
Add the cream cheese and jalapenos.
When the cream cheese softens a bit they go onto the charras with the beans, on a cookie sheet, and on the top rack of the grill.
Add tomatoes and onions to the burger like you would a taco, then fresh guac on the lid. This would probably by my entry picture.
Plated and out to the patio. Served with tortilla chips and some sour cream. Kind of a boring looking plate though.
Possibly 2nd choice for the entry pic.
One huge mess but a perfectly cooked burger.
This may sound like a bizarre combination of ingredients but it worked...beautifully. The beans added a texture and flavor component that really brought a lot to the party. The flavor combination of the cream cheese and jalapenos was simply magical. Rich, smooth, creamy cheese balanced splendidly with the twang of the peppers. What's not to love about fresh guac? The crunch of the charra is hands down preferred over a soft bun. Both of us loved it. This one was a true game changer. Now I no longer dread the thought of a burger. Matter of fact, I'm looking forward to doing these again real soon. Hey Brian (

My first food related post in ages and it's a burger. Whodathunk it?