After smoking meats on a small NB Smoker for 2 years I finally decided its time for a bigger pit. With the price of already built smokers and my ability to build my own it was time to start getting all the material together. A buddy had a tank left over from a rental property and I scored it dirt cheap. $50. All the rest of the material is scrap that I gathered up. The trailer is an old welding trailer with boxes and bottle racks on it.(don't have a pic of it yet) but a coworker gave it to me. Only money spent so far is the tank, hinges, and the seal strap for the doors.
Specs are 70 in CC, 30x30x24 FB, 6 in ex stack. Ill put a baffle where the CC meets the Fb and install tuning plates. Here's the pics I have so far. I put the legs on it just to get it up where its more comfortable to work on. I scrapped the fabricated hinges I made for a better hinge. As of now I have the doors completely sealed and handle brackets fabricated. Will post more pics as I progress.