Meat tenderizer, Papain, works to not only dissolve collagen connective tissue but has the ability to dissolve muscle fibers as well, specifically the peptide bonds that hold the proteins together. They work (do the most damage IMHO) with the application of Low and Slow Heat, like smoking or over Time, like the storage, including freezing, of large quantities of sausage. When meat is cooked the coils of protein that make up muscle cells denature, unravel as it were, becoming more tender. The muscle cells also begin to break open releasing moisture that in turn changes the collagen holding them together into gelatin further tenderizing the meat. This MESH of protein, muscle fibers, collagen and gelatin, if not seriously over cooked IT over 210*F, will hold the liberated and/or introduced moisture in and we get a Tender, Juicy, piece of meat or sausage. The PROBLEM is Meat tenderizer is TOO EFFECTIVE at dissolving protein and collagen. The Protein and Collagen is broken down so fine that there is no Mesh to retain moisture! The juices run out of the meat and you are left with what is texturally CHALKY SAND! If you or your Mom ever cooked LIVER to death you know Exactly what texture I am describing!
The last time Adolph's Meat Tenderizer was in my Fathers house was back in the 70's. Mom liberally sprinkled the stuff on a couple of 1 and 1/2 inch thick Sirloin Steaks that morning and refrigerated them to tenderize. One thing lead to another Dad was late and we all went out to McDonald's for burgers that night. The next evening Dad fired up the Grill and cooked those beauties to a perfect Med Rare. WE ALL SPIT OUT THE FIRST BITE! The outer most 1/4 inch on both sides of the meat was chalky and dry and could literally be SCRAPED off! The interior meat was juicy but had the same texture as any other properly cooked med rare Sirloin. We ate some of it but the Dog enjoyed the lions share and that new bottle of Adolf's went in the garbage.
A Silent Cutter aka Buffalo Chopper is really nothing more than a Slow Speed Food Processor. Since it's blade spins slower and the rotating bowl cycles the product past it, there is less friction and less heat build up. A Food Processor that is Pulsed and frequently scraped will get the job done without the 4 figure price tag. This Bad Boy should do the job and the dough kneading speed and blade may be just the ticket for emulsifying ...JJ