Jon from SW Missouri. Fairly new to this side of smoking(building). I have built one other smoker for a friend a few years ago, but he gave me the info and I built his reverse flow for him because I could weld. Have smoked a little using meatheads recommendations. Wanting to build this to help with family get together's and not be cooking all the time(Large Familys). We had a large propane tank that has been cut down to about 8 foot. I tack welded those ends together tonight. I fell in love with the idea of the vertical idea and found a youtube video that I mostly want to pattern my build after. One of his recommendations, if he were to build it again, was to make the exit stack not be right at the top, but rather come down further. Control it with louvers. I have been mulling this over. Would the smoke reach the top? do i need to put 3 vent exhaust stacks on and damper control to get a more controlled heat and smoke? I can link his video if people are interested in what he did... and his changes are in the comment section. I could also hand draw what I am thinking to do. Another goal is for it to rotate (another suggestion of his). The other question I have at the moment is can my "firebox" be round. I have a 21 inch wide piece of pipe 1/2 inch thick that I thought I could use for the firebox and then wrap it in insulation and use a pressure tank to encapsulate it. Also plan on putting a PID on a blower for the firebox. to control the temp. Other than a water tray in the bottom, I plan on figguring out a way to catch the drippings. Am I missing anything? Thoughts?