Lakeland Pig Fest 2014 (Lakeland, FL)

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Nov 18, 2010
Gainesville, FL
So i've been to this event before but this is the first time competing in it! Myself, Rob63 and Jtstizel are all going to be there representing Backyard Grill and Smoke (team name). We'll be showing off our new fancy banner and new frontage as well! 

We are competing in all 4 categories in the Backyard Division and vending as well! This is our biggest event both competing and vending so nerves are stretched thin but looking forward to it!

If your in the area come and say hey!

Hopefully some live posting as well starting Thursday night when we arrive....

wish us luck!
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I'll be attending the KCBS Judges School Thursday night and hope to judge Backyard on Saturday.  I'll keep an eye out for sometime Friday.  Good Luck!
Sounds good! Swing by and say hey. You should see our Big white Backyard Grill and Smoke banner. We'll be down there tonight around 8pm setting up and will be there through he duration! Nothing better then sleeping in reclining camp chairs in cold weather for the next 2 days:) 
We had a great time at Pigfest! This was the first time competing in it but i think we'll do it again!

Special thanks to MapleSticks and JarJarChef for coming out and supporting us!

Haven't compiled all of the images yet but here are the turn in boxes for our ribs, brisket, and pork. Any crituqes are welcomed because we didnt judge very well :/ 

Overall we were 59/69 in Backyard

39th in chicken

60th in Pork and Ribs

53rd in Brisket

we did win 5th and 7th out of 34 entries in Sauce! that's was a motivator!

here are our boxes:

Brisket Turn in

 Brisket again...

Pork. We did Money Muscle medallions on left, Pork strips in middle and finer pulled pork on the right. 

Ribs (could have been trimmed better we had to squeeze them to fit. Any suggestions on where to cut? Next to bone? middle of meat between 2 bones?)

Chicken picture to come
"Atta Boy" Y'all.... sounds like ya had fun... thinking you might have to do something about the sleeping arrangements in the future.. lol ... everything in the pictures look like winners to me....
yea we are going to do a better sleeping and fire-tending plan next time. Getting to old for this haha!
Great looking boxes! I was planning on making it to PigFest and intended on taking the judges class but wasn't able to swing it this year. For the pork box, i would skip the 'pork strips' in the middle and just put the money muscle medallions and some shredded pork or maybe even try to do some pork burnt ends. And for the ribs box, those are some damn fine cuts! When boxing to fit, you can try overlapping them, kinda like stacking them. The ribs look great though. The last comp I did i had 2 racks of ribs and i had a horrible time trying to get nice clean slices like that. Damn good job you guys, i know it's a ways away but you should look into the PLant City Pig Jam in November. I should be making it to that one.
Thanks SushiTampa. We used a electric knife which helped get those clean cuts! 

i'll look into the Pig Jam! Are you competing in it or just spectating?

As JckDanls07 said...check out our yearly gathering, we have a great time!
Thanks SushiTampa. We used a electric knife which helped get those clean cuts! 

i'll look into the Pig Jam! Are you competing in it or just spectating?

As JckDanls07 said...check out our yearly gathering, we have a great time!
Nice, i always wondered about those electric knives.

As for Pig Jam I competed in it last year and should be competing in it also again this year, hope to vend if i can get some people to help out.

Checked out the Yearly Gathering links, so is this years a Northern gathering near Tally?
No... that's a different one... N FL. is the "Official" gathering of the forums.... South Fl. is separate and a little different ....
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