Doing my 2nd hog for Labor Day and need help with sizing/dimensions. I have on order a 60lb dressed head off for the OKJ Longhorn which has a 40x19.5 cook area. Was concerned may be too big but looking around online I have seen posts of doing 100lb live weight head on in a camp chef. Anyone have dimensions of a 60,70,80 lb pig deessed? I prefer to do butterflied instead of Racer style
Lastly what sort of cook time we looking at. The OKJ likes to run 250-275 but I can keep it 230-250 if neded. From what I have read they are saying 90min per 10lbs
Lastly what sort of cook time we looking at. The OKJ likes to run 250-275 but I can keep it 230-250 if neded. From what I have read they are saying 90min per 10lbs