Its one of those odd brisket days...always a ride

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Smoking Guru
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SMF Premier Member
Feb 18, 2015
Started at Costco. No Choice briskets, prime only and a limited selection from what I would have expected, seen in the past. AND $4.19/lb Tried to pick one that had bend to it. Hoping for a Memorial day Kroger sale.

why did I buy one anyways - wife wanted one and I kinda did too and we had nothing else going on, Kroger base price was more. came home with 15 lb brisket, trimmed 4.5 lbs off...UGH. ran it at 180 for 1.5 hours then up to 275. I am at the stall in under 5 hours which has to be the the fastest for me. I thought the probes were hosed, but one confirmed with the MK4, the other must have gone to close to the fat cap and is running way hot - ignoring that one. Its always a ride. I missed the 0600 pick, but Ill get some up as we get near the end. Ate a couple snack bites I trimmed of and they were delish.
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Perhaps you can be persuaded over to the "hot and fast" side....350 for 6 or so hours.
FWIW, my local Costco has always had nothing other than primes..
They are so fatty I can barely eat them and I LOVE the point end of a normal choice or prime.
The Costco here only carries Prime and I won't pay the price. I get Choice at GFS, but like you I hate losing all that trimming fat. Oh well, it's part of the game.
When you really want Brisket you'll deal with what you can get...
My last one was 12 1/2 lbs but probably closer to 11 by the time I trimmed, and was done start to finish in 7 1/2 hrs @ 260-280.
I don't mind a quick cook :-)
Looking forward to the finish line....
When you really want Brisket you'll deal with what you can get...
Thats pretty much the deal. Kroger is running choice for 3.99 to 6.99 but only for delivery, no instore. I should have looked around more maybe. seems like there maybe something happening in SLC these days.
Started at Costco. No Choice briskets, prime only and a limited selection from what I would have expected, seen in the past. AND $4.19/lb Tried to pick one that had bend to it. Hoping for a Memorial day Kroger sale.

why did I buy one anyways - wife wanted one and I kinda did too and we had nothing else going on, Kroger base price was more. came home with 15 lb brisket, trimmed 4.5 lbs off...UGH. ran it at 180 for 1.5 hours then up to 275. I am at the stall in under 5 hours which has to be the the fastest for me. I thought the probes were hosed, but one confirmed with the MK4, the other must have gone to close to the fat cap and is running way hot - ignoring that one. Its always a ride. I missed the 0600 pick, but Ill get some up as we get near the end. Ate a couple snack bites I trimmed of and they were delish.

I always put 3 probes in the thickest yet center most portion of the flat muscle because it's so difficult to get accurate probe placement in a brisket. I roll with the lowest reading one and guess what, it's usually right. But again I found it takes me 3 probes to get 1 placed accurately hahaha.
Remember it's done when it's tender, not by time. Also if you've never done an unwrapped packer this may be your opportunity to try if it is truly cooking very fast :)

I hope this info helps.
tallbm tallbm I always do hot and fast with no wrap. I too have issues with probe placement in briskets. usually of of the two can be confirmed with an instaread (this time was like that). still at 167. we have a ways to go :emoji_wink:
tallbm tallbm I always do hot and fast with no wrap. I too have issues with probe placement in briskets. usually of of the two can be confirmed with an instaread (this time was like that). still at 167. we have a ways to go :emoji_wink:

You know what you are doing my friend. That stall has hit and will be with ya for a while and oh man how awesome are those unwrapped briskets?!?!
I would not have the nerves to do a unwrapped brisket. I tried St Louis ribs last time and went into the pressure cooker next day. Good luck.
Following this thread with great interest. On Mother's Day I cooked a brisket on my Dad's Gorrilla Grill. Low and slow. 11 lb brisket trimmed, at 225 for12 hours. Wrapped around 3 -4 hours when temp hit 160 degrees. Took off when hit 203 degrees and rested in cooler for 1 1/2 hours. Forgot to mention injected with beef broth prior to cook and rubbed with salt/pepper/garlic. Bark turned out great, flavor great but the brisket was tough. Not sure why I struggled with this. Trimmed to 1/4 of fat and cooked fat side down,( per Myron M. advice book) and it was slightly dry also. Sorry to hijack thread but wondering if any suggestions what went wrong. Looking forward to how your cook turns out. Thanks
OMG this was the best brisket i ever made. Holy Cow rub is all that for the brisket. turned out tend and juicy. Need the elastic pants! here are the pics;
BIG LIKE ! That look fabulous and love some Holy Cow flavor and bark ! I may go naked next time !
I've gotten used to sub $3-ish/pound brisket the last year it pains me to see the $4.29-$4.50 price at Sam's and Costco right now.
Granted we're talking only paying an extra $20, but still, I wouldn't throw a $20 bill on the ground.
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thanks for the kind words. My cooks would never be where they are without the SMF crew. This one started off a little stranger than average but turned out great.

I really hope the prices come down around here. But either way at some point I will end up making a buy and cooking more. it would just be a lot sooner if they could bring back the $1.99/lb prices again. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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