Since the missus likes chicken breasts I will probably go that route. Might help ease the tension since approval was not obtained prior to purchase!
Chicken breasts are a good item to start with.
I've pretty much forever detested the boneless, skinless variety. Damn near impossible to cook without turning out dry, tasteless, and bland. One of those things that sauces were invented for.
My wife and daughter, however, like them so my only compromise was to slowly poach them in stock or wine with some aromatics and herbs, then sear to finish. Since I've started doing them SV, I simply bag them with the aromatics, herbs, some white wine, then into the water bath for 90 minutes at 145F, and finish with a quick sear, and serve with the reduced juices that accumulated in the bag. Even I've learned to like them, which is saying a lot.
I'm lookin forward to trying SV chicken breast ! Thumbs Up