If your bored I have a video for you

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Master of the Pit
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★ Lifetime Premier ★
Mar 7, 2018
Ontario Canada
OK so I somehow started getting this youtube channel in my feed. Probably because I watch one of their videos. So I started watching them and found it very interesting how people that seem to have very little are youtube stars LOL. Their channel is called Country Life Vlog and they do a lot of cooking on what looks like a Discada but they call it a sadj. Any meals I have seen them prepare you better have a big appetite as there is no shortage of food. :emoji_laughing:
This is just one of their many videos.

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That was interesting. I was wondering what country they were in to have such a variety of fresh Veg in what appears to be late Fall. Then I figured it may be the US when you see all the Garbage on the property. Maybe a public Park some where? That was a lot of food for 3 people.☺...JJ
They live in Azerbaijan the nation and former Soviet republic, is bounded by the Caspian Sea and Caucasus Mountains, which span Asia and Europe.
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