We had 3 pigs butchered and processed. I told them I wanted to cure and smoke my hams myself . It didn't happen. They cured and cut the hams with nitrite/brn sugar by injection but did not cook or smoke them. What should I do now to sell them? Paritally smoke them for flavor to a modest internal temperature and refreeze them to allow the customer to do a full cook on their own ? Do a full smoke and grill on my masterbuilt 1050 and sell as cooked ham? They even sliced some of my cured ham with the bone in which I did not ask.. What are my options to sell to the public for the best product? Smoking all these hams as fully cooked is a huge undertaking. If I have to smke and cook all of them can I then refreeze them? What temps and times? The rest of their processing was first rate.