I will start with my Disclaimer, I am not USDA versed and surely I must do mine improperly and I, if wise, would not say this but......... I fill a bucket up with water and immerse the frozen meat and let it sit over night in the kitchen sink. Usually the next day its thawed.
I can do this because I know my meat when its frozen, I don't freeze meat that I feel is near the "due Date" simply to save it for spoiling. I realize that with the Cryo pac systems now you don't really know what your meat is, but if I freeze a piece of meat than has a two week due date or like a loin I got from Sam's that had a 6 week date, I feel pretty safe doing a cheat when thawing.
I don't do it with ground or cut up meats, or meats I intend to make into cured products.
I believe we get better safer and fresher meats today from more healthy animal's for the most part. As illustrated by the reduced temperature required to ensure food safety while cooking.
Again, all of the above are my opinions only and not that of the SMF Board which maintains strick USDA guidelines in all cases.