Smoking Fanatic
Thanks for the great q-view and info on the smoke. Makes me wanna try a higher temp packer right now!

Thanks for the great q-view and info on the smoke. Makes me wanna try a higher temp packer right now!![]()
Thanks a lot guys!
Nice Brisket Al! Glad that storm stayed off the coast!
Thanks a lot Doug!Al not sure how that smoke got by me but the brisket looks awesome!![]()
A good pitmaster helps, but them Langs put out some great Q!
I have even smoked pork butts @ 300 and they turn out great!
Point worthy
34 and a heavy frost the other morning my friend.
Thank you Disco!
"Beautiful brisket, Sir" he says as he doffs his hat and backs away bowing.
Thanks for the compliment & the point Bear!
Sorry I'm Late, Al, but I just found this Beauty!!![]()
That Brisket looks Awesome, and I could sure go for a couple Sammies just like that one!!----![]()
Looks Mighty Tasty!!![]()
Thanks Buddy!Great looking brisket Al....and those rolls look awesome!!