Here's the list of what she has planted. Couple of my favorites are the sweet 100 Cherry and Cherry Roma which I love to pick right off the vine and plop them in my mouth as I walk out to my shop in the back.
2023 Tomatoes
Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato-Indeterminate - Popular cherry with long strands, each with up to 100 or more 1-inch, 1-oz., bright red, extra sweet cherries. Grows Tall on indeterminate vines.
Cherry Roma Tomato – Indeterminate – Red, plum shaped fruits grow to 1”. Sweet spicy flavor. Support with a cage/full sun.
Sungold Cherry Tomato-Indeterminate, flavorful, golden orange cherry sized fruits.
Cherokee Purple –Indeterminate, heirloom sweet and hint of smoke, striking dark color.
Delicious Tomato – Indeterminate, huge solid scarlet fruit avg #.
SF Sunrise Tomato – Fog Friendly, Indeterminate, large heirloom style with red striping on orange skin.
Chocolate Stripes - Indeterminate, heirloom beefsteak Tomato has a complex, sweet flavor that wins taste tests across the country. The striking fruits, which can grow up to 6 inches across and weigh up to 1 pound, are deep mahogany red with lime to deep green stripes, while the meaty flesh is a rich, mottled reddish brown. This is a great sandwich Tomato that produces long into late summer.
Brandywine-Indeterminate. Potato leaf type. Deep red 8-12 oz fruits. Very productive.
Persimmon-Indeterminate. Heirloom produces yellow persimmon colored fruit. 14-18oz
Pomodore Red Pear-Beefsteak. Pear shaped 8-18oz fruit old Northern Italy type.
Big Beef – Beefsteak Needs heavy stake support-large fruit
Black Krim – Beefsteak Indeterminate. Unique violet to purple red excellent flavor.
Prudens Purple – Beefsteak Heirloom Indeterminate. One of the best beefsteak tomatoes.
Valencia – Classic Med sized low acid sweet yellow color, good slicing tomato.
Green Zebra – Classic Indeterminate. Olive yellow fruits with deep green zebra stripes. Sweet/Zingy flavor.
Lucky Tiger – Cherry Indeterminate. Long yellow/green bicolor with green stripes.