Honey!! Enough tomatoes already! LOL

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Master of the Pit
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Jun 23, 2012
SF Bay Area, CA
My wife who is a master gardener has decided to increase this year crop of tomatoes to contain 16 different species. Most of our sunshine in the backyard is right up against our house due to the two massive oak trees back there, so we use lots of big pots, etc.



She has so many pots and wine barrels doing their thing, I’m having problems looking out my kitchen window.

Since we lost our frontyard oak tree a few years ago, it has allowed us to move some of her tomato plants out front along with cucumbers, squash, peppers, etc.
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That is impressive. I can not grow tomatoes for anything.
Looks really nice. I'm jealous. Moved into a condo a while back and gardening just isn't what it used to be.
Thank you for sharing, gives Mr something to look forward to one day. Enjoy.
Those look very healthy! I’d be interested in the varieties. I love heirloom tomatoes. This year I’m not doing any but will plan on it again the following year. My all time favorite is probably Cherokee Purple. I did plant a few Better Boys and A few cherry including Sun Sugars.
Here's the list of what she has planted. Couple of my favorites are the sweet 100 Cherry and Cherry Roma which I love to pick right off the vine and plop them in my mouth as I walk out to my shop in the back.

2023 Tomatoes

Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato
-Indeterminate - Popular cherry with long strands, each with up to 100 or more 1-inch, 1-oz., bright red, extra sweet cherries. Grows Tall on indeterminate vines.

Cherry Roma Tomato – Indeterminate – Red, plum shaped fruits grow to 1”. Sweet spicy flavor. Support with a cage/full sun.

Sungold Cherry Tomato-Indeterminate, flavorful, golden orange cherry sized fruits.

Cherokee Purple –Indeterminate, heirloom sweet and hint of smoke, striking dark color.

Delicious Tomato – Indeterminate, huge solid scarlet fruit avg #.

SF Sunrise Tomato – Fog Friendly, Indeterminate, large heirloom style with red striping on orange skin.

Chocolate Stripes - Indeterminate, heirloom beefsteak Tomato has a complex, sweet flavor that wins taste tests across the country. The striking fruits, which can grow up to 6 inches across and weigh up to 1 pound, are deep mahogany red with lime to deep green stripes, while the meaty flesh is a rich, mottled reddish brown. This is a great sandwich Tomato that produces long into late summer.

Brandywine-Indeterminate. Potato leaf type. Deep red 8-12 oz fruits. Very productive.

Persimmon-Indeterminate. Heirloom produces yellow persimmon colored fruit. 14-18oz

Pomodore Red Pear-Beefsteak. Pear shaped 8-18oz fruit old Northern Italy type.

Big Beef – Beefsteak Needs heavy stake support-large fruit

Black Krim – Beefsteak Indeterminate. Unique violet to purple red excellent flavor.

Prudens Purple – Beefsteak Heirloom Indeterminate. One of the best beefsteak tomatoes.

Valencia – Classic Med sized low acid sweet yellow color, good slicing tomato.

Green Zebra – Classic Indeterminate. Olive yellow fruits with deep green zebra stripes. Sweet/Zingy flavor.

Lucky Tiger – Cherry Indeterminate. Long yellow/green bicolor with green stripes.
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Great list. I love the Black Krim as well. The green zebra is also tasty and adds amazing color to cold plates of tomatoes. Prudens purple is a new one to me. Is the Brandywine the potato leaf variety?
WOW, love it . Great pics of the yard.

We are in the same boat, too many big trees in the yard, we get lots of sun until about now ( June ) when all the leaves really start to open.
But our back steps are 14' wide so we also do tomatoes and peppers in pots , thinking about maybe using the dock as , sun all day long.
Now maybe figure how to convince Mona ...... yea right

DSC_1493.JPG DSC_1509.JPG DSC_1496.JPG

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Kudos to your wife. Growing tomatoes in containers is a full time job. They need a lot of water and fertilizer.

Years ago I grew a lot of different varieties. Some heirloom like Mortgage Lifter, Brandywine, etc. I got low numbers and was not impressed that the flavor was that much better. I settled in on Big Beef. It checked all the boxes for me, produced good numbers, good sized slicers, and had great flavor.

But out of my 24 plants 2 of them are Cherokee Purple. I'd not had much success with the CP in the past, but got some seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange last year that produced well. And I'm using that seed again this year.
Kudos to your wife. Growing tomatoes in containers is a full time job. They need a lot of water and fertilizer.

Years ago I grew a lot of different varieties. Some heirloom like Mortgage Lifter, Brandywine, etc. I got low numbers and was not impressed that the flavor was that much better. I settled in on Big Beef. It checked all the boxes for me, produced good numbers, good sized slicers, and had great flavor.

But out of my 24 plants 2 of them are Cherokee Purple. I'd not had much success with the CP in the past, but got some seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange last year that produced well. And I'm using that seed again this year.
My success on production rate with CP was very spotty from year to year. Sure are good though.
Thanks all. Keeping these plants happy and the squirrels away from damaging them is a full time job. Sometimes I will rotate the potted plants that are on coasters to help out the backside of the plants that are up against the house. Can't wait to start seeing some red amongst all those green leaves.
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WOW nice crops! It's hard to accept seeing that since we just put our plants in the ground just two weeks ago, ie the freezing temps finally went away.
Fun I hope they produce well.
I've tried a number of heirloom and they don't produce in my alkaline soil. Settled on Roma and a variety of grape from the local garden center.
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