Hi, Yianni from London, England.

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Hi all, I'm Yianni from London, England.

New to all this, but wanted to give it a go, after visiting a US smoke house called Bodean's, here in London and loving the food.

So I bought a smoker and a bbq grill and a few things to get me started. Went to websites and began following recipes, but I quickly realised that all the websites and their step by step instructions telling you how to do these things, never tell you what to do if it goes wrong, or for unique situations, so I thought, 'is there a forum out there?', and I found this. 😊

Looking forward to some succesfull cooks and thanks for having me!
Welcome from Nova Scotia

This is the right place that will help with almost any questions you have
Just ask and someone will be by to help you and point you in the right direction

Very friendly and helpful group of folks here
Glad you found us

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Welcome, Yianni glad to have ya aboard. What kind of smoker did you buy?

Welcome from West ‘by-God” Virginia! Post some pictures of your smoker and grill! We love to help and even envy others smokes when we are hungry! Lol
Welcome from NW Iowa, keep a journal with good notes of your cooks that way you'll learn what works & wont repeat what does not. Looking forward to seeing what you do.
Welcome from Ohio! You found the right place, literally nothing you can’t learn here for bbq, curing, fermented meats and sausages and so much more.
welcome From MississippI. Look forward to your post and pics. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. I’m sure you won’t run into a situation that one of here hasn’t seen before!
I visited London in 1999. Amazing city. Was just in awe that a lot of what I was seeing was old when the colonist were still shaking the beach sands out of their boots. A week was not nearly enough to see the city properly.

Welcome, Yianni, from Middle America! You've discovered a very addictive hobby...good luck with your BBQ journey! We're here to help and to watch.

Welcome Yianni. I, too am new to this forum. The folks on this site are VERY helpful and friendly. I think you find this to be a very informative and fun site.
Welcome from MIddle TN! Lots of great people here. They are awesome at spending your money.
I've been asked what equipment I have and Immediately shrank... Got to go out and buy a Treagar or something 🤣. (Oh, where I am, they are 1000's of £)

Kidding aside, you guys have made me feel very welcome, I hope I won't be too bothersome and yes, my equipment is cheap at the moment, but hoping to expand.

My bbq smoker is... an Aldi special! 🤣 but I modified it, it was leaking smoke everywhere and losing heat, so I added fire rope to seal and an insulating material to keep the heat.... but hey, it looks like the real thing! 😂

My cold smoker is ProQ or something. Thats just a tall metal box with a door. Still, has been very handy with smoking Salmon.

But my pride and joy is an 'F13' as we Greek Cypriots call it. Or Foukou 13 (Foukou = Chargoal Grill, 13 = 13 Skewers) 2 12V motors, it's perfect for cooking Souvlaki! (I'll take a pic at some time and upload, but you can google Foukou) My family background is Greek Cypriot, although I'm Born and Bred in London.
I had to look that grill Foukou 13. That is impressive. Must put that on my maybe get before I die list. :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:

If you know someone who is handy with metal work, you can craft a great BBQ out of scrap parts. Old 55 gal drums or other such scrap materials work very well.

Looking forward to seeing some cooks on that Foukou 13.

JC :emoji_cat:
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yianni, welcome from the central US! it doesn't really matter WHAT you cook on around here, from what i've seen in this forum... as long as you're cooking outside and it's ... fan-TASTE-ic!
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Welcome from KC, which is apparently where the Bodean's founder hails from. Bigtank mentioned keeping a journal, and that is great advice. I did when I started, still have it, but don't refer back to it as much as I used to. There are a few successes in there that I keep looking up.

I, too, can't wait to see pictures of what you create with the equipment that you have.
Welcome to SMF glad you joined us. You will find lots of great info here if your looking for something you don't find or don't see it then just ask and someone will try to answer or help out. As for equipment don't worry about it many of us started with a cheap smoker or in your case maybe what you can find in your area. If your ever in the middle of a smoke or about to start and need something answered just post it.
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