Hi, I'm completely new to smoking, and I have been searching around the internet to learn more about it!
Since I do not have alot of money to spare, I was thinking of buying the Brinkmann vertical split-door charcoal smoker. It's about $70.
Is it a decent smoker to start out with, or should I look for something else?
Also, what mods does it need? For the cylindrical one, there are some articles I found to mod it to make it better, but I don't know about the split-door.
Also, should I get a firebox for it? I haven't looked into fireboxes much, but from what I have read, it helps regulate temperature.
And should I buy a charcoal chimney, and what is the best economical thermometer to use? I have read repeatedly how the built in thermometers are way off.
Thanks for all your help! I hope to be able to make the purchase and begin smoking meats very soon!
Also, I would be smoking my meats on a wooden deck. There's really no place else I can put it. That's fine, right? Should I get something to put on the deck to put the smoker on top of?
Since I do not have alot of money to spare, I was thinking of buying the Brinkmann vertical split-door charcoal smoker. It's about $70.
Is it a decent smoker to start out with, or should I look for something else?
Also, what mods does it need? For the cylindrical one, there are some articles I found to mod it to make it better, but I don't know about the split-door.
Also, should I get a firebox for it? I haven't looked into fireboxes much, but from what I have read, it helps regulate temperature.
And should I buy a charcoal chimney, and what is the best economical thermometer to use? I have read repeatedly how the built in thermometers are way off.
Thanks for all your help! I hope to be able to make the purchase and begin smoking meats very soon!
Also, I would be smoking my meats on a wooden deck. There's really no place else I can put it. That's fine, right? Should I get something to put on the deck to put the smoker on top of?