By the grain pic's the bark and the splits I'm about 99.9% sure that is CA Red Oak. I use Red Oak all the time for smoking, and I've literally cut down thousands of them for firewood. What part of CA are ya from that will help determine what it is as well. Or what part of CA did the wood come from?
This is a Red Oak cross section.
View attachment 488144
Below is Red Oak bark.
View attachment 488143
If you're on the CA coast it could be CA Live Oak as well but if I were betting on it, I'd stick with CA Red Oak which grows in the rolling hills in housing tracts across the State and on the coast right next to Live Oaks as well.
CA Live Oak bark is a little rougher looking.
View attachment 488145
I'm sticking with Red Oak and that's my final answer!!!
I hope this helps... If you live near the East Bay save me a few splits. Hahahaha.