I'm new to this smoking thing. I just purchased a MES, grinder, and meat mixer to process my own venison. Was looking for recipes when I came accross your site. I would have to say I'm excited to get started. I'm heading to Wally World in an hour or so to purchase a pork loin for the smoker tomorrow. I was thinking about a mustard bath along with a nice rub, allowing to sleep in the fridge overnight and rest most of the day because, at 3:00 pm it's getting smoked! If anyone wants to offer up some pointers, I'm all open. If I have done my research, I will smoke at 240 until internal temp is 150. I will be using dry hickory chips a handfull at a time, and continue smoke until done. Rule of thumb says about 1.5 hours per pound. What do I do with the damper on top of the unit? Thanks for the help and enjoy the site. Smoke on!