Howdy from Northwest Wyoming

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Joe Boardman

Original poster
Mar 17, 2024
Greetings SMF! Long-time reader, finally joined. My son says I'm having a late-mid-life weird meat crisis but it's better than buying a sports car or sailboat, both of which I have threatened.

I love cooking and especially the things of yesteryear, done right and not forgotten.
Have all the Ruhlman/Polcyn books and several from my beloved Marianski brothers.
Been keeping a foot in both worlds of the old-stye slow and cold salamis with Bactoferm T-SPX and the warmer-faster F-RM-52 US cultures.
Getting good results with both.
Also love making finished and fresh sausages, both stuffed and unstuffed. Today made a ripper batch of andouille. Special shout out to indaswamp indaswamp on some ideas there.
Made a great smoked, then steamed pastrami, a few weeks ago and have a simple corned beef for Monday in the brine now.

Really appreciate the forum and I'm glad to be a part of it.
Greeting Joe and welcome to the community from New Mexico.
Will be looking forward to some pictures of your work.
Always room for me to learn from others.
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Welcome Joe from Southcentral PA!
F-RM-52 is the latest strain I've been playing with, pretty amazing how fast the pH can drop if it's well fed with the correct sugar (forgot the dextrose once, that didn't turn out well).
Looking forward to your pictures as well!
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Welcome from Mississippi! Lots of sausage makers on here. You'll fit right in. And remember we are like kids here for show and tell!

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Oh, ok, well I feel like I've found "my people"! HA.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Here's a few, hope you like them.

Pastrami. Kielbasa with bratwurst. Clara side-eying the bratwurst. Finished kielbasa. Triple-smoked kielbasa: cherry; apple; both. Marianski-style T-SPX salami. Today's andouille, just stuffed, out of the smoker and cold water bath, sliced.

Thanks for the kind welcome. Onward into the smoke.

Welcome aboard Joe, looks like you have been doing some fine work. Hope to see more from you. I’ll warn you though, there are a bunch of enablers here and they love helping you spend your money, lol.
I realize now, with horror, that when I grabbed one pound of the cubed pork and fat before grinding to make some bigger chunks, an onion chunk snuck along with them, so I did get a nice blend of ground fat/lean for the matrix and the chunks for texture, but in that last picture a big ugly onion piece is staring at us in one slice, having missed the grinder, next time Andouille Gods, next time
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Reactions: JLeonard onion in south Louisiana style Andouille, just garlic. At least the recipes I am familiar with....but to each his own.
Fair enough. I like mine with a blend of onion, shallot and garlic sent through the grinder with 3/4 of the pork+fat. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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