Granddaughter, rain and hotdogs

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RIP - Gone but not forgotten.
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Nov 12, 2010
When the granddaughter called and said "I am coming for the weekend and want hot dogs", SMF came to the rescue. Grandpa wasn't up for building a fire in the rain so.............

What should have been:


What was:

Costco dogs caressed by Hickory


Results: The dogs were better than boiled and Granddaughter is happy grandpa came thru again


 Saved by the smoker.
Last edited:
Congrats on the success. Love me some smoked Costco dogs
Just a suggestion from one grandfather to another........  You know they make automatic rollers for hot dogs now.  That would give you more time for that sweet looking granddaughter.  On your fire pit, I wonder how many smore's and 'marshmallows a flamin' have been done over it?
OK, who knows how to do s'mores in a smoker.

Grandpa would be Aces if he could make 'em. Grndtr didn't say, "where are the s'mores" but I know she was wondering. 
Smores , No water no smoke just use the smoker like an oven.
OK, who knows how to do s'mores in a smoker.

Grandpa would be Aces if he could make 'em. Grndtr didn't say, "where are the s'mores" but I know she was wondering. 

Great job on the dogs, Dave. Do the s"mores in the microwave. It's quick & if you put them on a paper plate there is no mess.
Well, If Mrs. Omak isn't watching, you can toast a marshmallow over the stove and melt the chocolate on graham crackers on a pan in the smoker or the oven. It finally stopped raining on our side, maybe you can get a few coals going! 
Great looking dogs and what a cutie, I bet if she asked for the moon grandpa would look for a way to get it for her.

Costco hot dogs, I remember them, very good, every year my boss goes to Hawaii and has some, he comes back and tortures me by saying how good they were and how many he ate, one time he even took some pics to show me, ...sure wish I could find a recipe for them.

Thanks for the Q-view and next time you know how to make the s'mores for her (SMF to the rescue),

Great Looking Hot Dogs, Looks like she was happy with them...
When the granddaughter called and said "I am coming for the weekend and want hot dogs", SMF came to the rescue. Grandpa wasn't up for building a fire in the rain so.............

What should have been:


What was:

Costco dogs caressed by Hickory

Results: The dogs were better than boiled and Granddaughter is happy grandpa came thru again

 Saved by the smoker.
HEY!!!! Ain't that a fire pit of sorts?  Get a few sticks of kindling going with some small wood for effect.  Get a couple of willow or vine maple sticks for the holding of the goodies.  Dadburn people and smores in a microwave?  How can you have flamin' marshmallows in a microwave?  Best memories I have of when we went camping with the kids and grandkids is making smores with flamin' mallows.  Maybe you just have to have been there. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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