Good Sturdy GAS Grill With High Heat?

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Count Porcula

Meat Mopper
Original poster
SMF Premier Member
Sep 25, 2020
My grill is a $100 Pit Boss from Amazon. Great for the money, but not great. Now that my wife is moving in, I think I should get a real grill.

I had a DCS a long time ago, and it seemed pretty tough. I would like something similar. Stainless that really is pretty stainless. Parts that don't rot through in a year. I want serious heat, too. I rigged the Pit Boss up with a turkey fryer regulator because the factory regulator was useless. I never grill steaks because the gas grills I've used don't even begin to get hot enough, and I don't want to deal with charcoal ashes. I will not eat a light brown steak or burger.

Truthfully, the grill probably wouldn't see any steaks, because I fry them in butter, but I would like to be able to do burgers, sausages, and vegetables.

I don't need a giant machine with a lot of weird features. I just want tremendous heat and a grilling surface at least as big as a Weber kettle's.

Is there anything good out there, or will my dreams be crushed yet again?
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My little Weber Q 1000 gets screaming hot.The 3200 is of decent enough size but you'll be paying north of $500.The Qs have no weird features,they actually are just grills.
My first grill was a Weber gasser back in the day. It would get to over 700° no problem. I know you said you didn't want to deal with ashes, but I would still consider a Weber kettle with the ash catcher on the bottom. A few swipes with that fan blade thingy on the inside bottom, and then dump the pan. Takes no time. For the price of a good gasser, you could buy a kettle, a vortex, and some other goodies. Also consider the chore of refilling that propane tank, or doing the exchange route. I'd rather deal with a little ash cleanup, and get charcoal pretty much anywhere. If you ever consider doing low and slow, that gasser ain't gonna do it. It can certainly be done on a kettle. Having said that, I do a have a portable Weber gasser for car camping, or if I'm lazy after work and want to grill a quick burger, braut, etc.
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I just looked at DCS prices. I paid about $1000 for the one I used to have. I just saw a DCS for about 10 grand, including tax and delivery.

I feel like I should have myself drug-tested.
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As Chris mention I have the newly designed Weber and I’m a huge fan of it…..the sear station will get crazy hot, ie make sure you have a long sleeve or you will not have any hair on your arm….

They have a stainless steel grate version but I’m also loving the porcelain covered CI. I have been using a brass welding brush on it since I got it and the porcelain seams near bullet proof. The sear station is polished smooth so it cleans up very easily.

Just a couple recent examples of it in use:…-again.321211/…-x2.321163/

I have used the crap out of this already and am very impressed and I don’t miss my grill grates for a presentations sear. The sear plate does near perfect. It compares to the commercial grills I cooked on in the kitchen back in the day…..
My old Silver B gets screaming hot but never been ably to get my Weber e410 very hot. I think it just to big. A smaller one might work better. OK for chicken and such but I like it hot when doing steaks. I think Rich has got his working pretty good. If you could find an old Silver B they are great. I have had mine for many many years now. Could not even guess how old it is. Those things hold up great. Just got to get good flavor bars.
Mines an older Genesis 310 with 16 ga after market flavor bars and heat defectors . Changed the way it cooks for sure . Puts a nice sear on stuff .
I have started to use my SmokeFire for steaks . It gets screaming hot and has an open design . Just does a fantastic job on steaks that the Genesis has become a 2nd choice .
Strips from the SmokeFire
Couple small test steaks from the Genesis . These were cooked SV
then just a quick sear on the gas grill .
I still can't get over the $10,000 grill. I spent $1000 on an old-fashioned water-hogging commercial washing machine, which is a pretty complicated device, and somehow I'm supposed to believe a grill is worth 10 of them? When my tenants need washers, I spend $400-$600.

A washer has a tub, a cabinet, lots of electronics, valves, a transmission, a motor...a grill has a cabinet, a wire grill, and a couple of burners.
The Weber 325-S grills look like they will work, but they offer two types: stainless grate and porcelain plus cast iron.

Seems to me like stainless has to be the way to go, but on the other hand, the cheaper grates have a 10-year warranty.
In 2001 I bought a Weber Genesis Silver C. When parts wear out I replace them… flavorizer bars, burners, igniters. I bought full coverage Grill Grates a few years ago. I flip a couple of them over & cook some stuff on the flat side. Last night I grilled burgers on the grates while grilling onions on the flat side. Then I put the burgers on the flat side, tossed on cheese & grilled the buns next to them.
I keep wishing that the damn thing would die so I could buy a new one. The only thing I don’t like about mine is that the burners run lengthwise. I can’t run one side cooler. The new ones run front to back so you can set part of the grill at a different setting.
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My el'cheapos burners run west to east. It's about the only good thing about it.

Can't stress it enough if you want a simple grill that is built like a tank and can get screaming hot and has no useless features then I highly recommend a Weber Q. The 3200 completely meets your needs and budget.
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I just saw a video comparing the Weber S-335 to the Napoleon Prestige 500. The Napoleon has a lifetime warranty and an infrared burner that supposedly sears meat better than the Weber searing area. That infrared burner sounds like what I'm looking for.
If you are looking for a dedicated hard sear station then infrared like the Napolean is pretty hard to beat. The weber searing area is more of area vs station but I happen to prefer it that way because I can uniformly sear a bunch of stuff. I love my Weber E-435 because of the fire box design and how it tames the flame ups. The Napolean is basically the same design as the older Weber's. I haven't see the Napolean's in person but they do look like a nice grill!

Just for grins and giggles I just had to post this one.....if money wasn't an issue, I would have this grill!!

I watched a couple of videos showing the Napoleon infrared thing in action. Not that excited. I like burgers that are dark brown outside, almost crunchy, with medium centers. I don't know if this grill can do it.

I think a steel griddle would work on it for steaks, though.

I like steaks fried in butter better than anything, so a griddle is important.

07 10 19 porterhouse steak on coleman stove small.jpg
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I once had an Internet foodie make fun of me for frying steaks. What a moron.

I decided to try the Napoleon. I like the warranty, it comes with a rotisserie, and that infrared thing fills me with hope. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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