Fresh breakfast sausage

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uncle eddie

Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
May 14, 2016
Central Missouri
I have recently started making sausage and I am having a blast making different things. Andioulle was my favorite so far.

Yesterday evening, I decided to make sage breakfast sausage . That was fast and easy. Made this batch with 2 lbs of pork butt. Nothing fancy, but breakfast sure was good this morning. BTW - fresh sausage is way firmer than Jimmy Dean or any of the other store-bought sausages I have tried.

Here are the pics...

The one on the left went into the freezer (more vaccum), the one on the right went into the skillet this morning (sealed with light vaccum)

IMG_671 0.jpg

Nice looking sausage! And homemade just can't be beat. We eat alot more of it now that we make our own.

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Thanks for the like uncle eddie it is appreciated.
Heck even one on a biscuit sammie would work for me especially with some syrup on it.

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