8lb safeway ham with bone. Enhanced.
Rubbed with yellow mustard, and mix of b sugar, POG, clove powder and chili powder. Light cross hatches.
Brinkmann electric cheapo
Top rack ~240F for 1.5h, apple hickory
1.5h foiled with pineapple chunks, bottom rack
Unfoiled and glazed with b sugar/pineapple juice for 1.5h, with some extra wood for smoke and heat. IT 140F. Sliced after maybe 10min.
Delicious. Smoky but Not smoky enough. Most ham pieces were slightly on the dry side. Glazed edges were nice. Juice from the foil was the most delicious sauce ever, and it instantly revitalized any dry ham. On the salty side though.
Lessons: Allow for more time, use bottom rack for higher temp to get darker color, smoke longer in beginning phase (so less time non smoking phases) use the stove to reduce the glaze (microwave is dumb), allow lots of time to reduce glaze in time for glazing. Deeper cross hatches. Consider positioning cut end down, so the rest of the ham can be reached with the glaze. Don't serve the cut face slice cuz it might be dry. Serve bland side dishes and starch because it's really really salty. Try better brand of ham?