I dont eat a lot of seafood. Part of it is the expense, but part of it is I'm just not a big fish guy in general.
Similarly to my stint reworking restaurant kitchen equipment that ruined me for eating out for years (people have no idea how nasty some kitchens are), I worked a job that took me to sea that kind of ruined me for seafood. It was operating a remote operated unmanned sub. Two things hit me, every ship I was ever on, including Navy ships all dumped their trash in to the ocean just outside of the international water line before coming to port. When I remarked to a navy sailor once about it, he said, "thats nothing, I've seen an aircraft carrier dump a forklift overboard because it wasn't supposed to be in their inventory". So yea, the ocean is the world's dumpster...or septic tank if you will.
We also operated the sub in places like the east coast of Florida. We worked on the challenger salvage for instance. Forget the liquid fuel and solid fuel rockets that fell in to the ocean...we did a photo grid survey of the bottom of the ocean off of Cape Canaveral, etc. mapping the Challenger crew compartment debris field. People have no idea the amount of space junk on the bottom of the ocean as well as just about every other thing you can imagine. Decades of old Redstone rockets and other junk they just left out there. A lot of the work we did was recovering test ordinance, but those were only for lab analysis, not all gets recovered. Usually only stuff of national security sensitivity. The torpedoes we recovered were dripping with benzine and other "stuff".
These are reasons I just shake my head at the proud pictures of people with their huge catch off the coast. Yea, you may have a known species, but what was it swimming around out there and what was what IT was eating, consuming?