Picked a really cold day in New England to try my first fatty!
Wasn't sure what to expect so I stuck to the basics, rolled out a pound of Jimmy Dean sausage, put in pepper, onion, some baby spinach and cheese.
(forgot to take a picture of the stuffing!)
Bacon wrapped, wrapped tight in saran wrap.
Now on the smoker for a few hours- it is at 112 IT now.
Planning to pull it at 150 and then put it under the broiler for a bit.
Will post the final results!
Wasn't sure what to expect so I stuck to the basics, rolled out a pound of Jimmy Dean sausage, put in pepper, onion, some baby spinach and cheese.
(forgot to take a picture of the stuffing!)
Bacon wrapped, wrapped tight in saran wrap.
Now on the smoker for a few hours- it is at 112 IT now.
Planning to pull it at 150 and then put it under the broiler for a bit.
Will post the final results!