Regardless of what recipe you try first, keep one thing in mind; the sausage isn't complete and ready to eat until you say it is!
Once you've ground, seasoned, and mixed the sausage you need to sample it. Take about 4 tbs of the sausage mixture, roll it into a ball, press it flat into a small patty, and then gently fry it, or microwave it until it's done. WAIT until it's cool enough to eat and see if the seasonings are where you want them.
If the patty test shows that you need more seasoning, add in small quantities and KEEP TRACK of your additions so you can update your recipe when complete.
If the patty test shows that you have too much seasoning, you now have the opportunity to add more meat to the mix to "dilute" the seasonings a bit..
Welcome to the madness! You'll be dreaming of new and improved sausages VERY soon!