For xmas i got a 3 piece Universal brand cast iron pan set and a lodge DO. After reading through some of the forums, I added several layers of seasoning to the pans using avocado oil and olive oil, using the stove top method. The two smaller pans have great seasoning and non-stick now, but my larger piece is not taking the seasoning. It looks spotty and as if it is holding food on it. Do I need to strip and start over? What oil should I use for my seasoning? I watched the video with the stove top and flax seasoning. I have applied one coat to my dutch oven using Avocado oil, and want to make sure that I get my technique down before I season it further, as this is my most important piece. What oils should I be using? Will the pans get better as I use them? What should I do about the larger pan that looks blotchy? How should I continue with my DO? Thanks in advance. I've received lots of helpful advice/ideas on my WSM forums and have no doubt everyone will come through here as well.