Just got an MES30 for my birthday (which is actually tomorrow). Have an 8lb butt ready to go (seasoned the smoker today, so it's ready as well). I'd like to be able to serve at about 3pm so that people can have their food for the start of the game. I think the 8lb butt should take about 12 hours (give or take) at 220. Plan on foiling at ~160, then pulling and putting it in the cooler with towels for an hour at ~200. I think that means I need to back up by about 13 hours from serving time which means putting the butt in at about 2am.... Is that right? And since I don't have an AMNPS yet, do I need to babysit the smoker and feed it periodically for the first few hours (as in 2am - ~6am)? If so, gonna be a rough night for the first smoke.
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