First time doing cheese, looks good!

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Original poster
Jan 24, 2014
Did my first attempt at a cold smoke today with a cube of Colby & montery Jack, a cube of mozzarella, and a cube of cheddar cheese. also a dozen string cheese sticks thrown in for good measure!  I used my  amazen smoker for the first time with amazen apple pellets and a masterbuilt electric smoker.  I had trouble keeping the temp down, ambient temp in the low 20's and only the amazen smoker running I had to open the door to release heat every 15-20 min as the temps would creep into the high 80-low 90's if I didn't. I had the chip loader all the way in and the chimney damper about 1/2 open. Any suggestions for keeping the temps lower?  next time I might use my weber smokey mountain charcoal instead as it's un-insulated, so maybe I can keep the inside temp lower?

Here's a pic after 2 hours and 45 min! Uploads/20140125_114720_zps99d40667.jpg.html
Chip loader out and exhaust wide open....... that should work very well...... My AMNPS raises the temps about 25-30 deg I think...
I take the loader out unless the wind is blowing from that side of my MES 30.  then I just pull it 1/2 way out.  Vent on top all the way open and my temps stay in the 50-60s.  I just vac sealed the cheese I did on Monday.  Wow does it smell good.  It is not ready yet another week!

I did have trouble keeping my AMNPS lit on Monday, so today I am doing some spatchcocked chickens and will not use the chip loader at all and try the AMNPS with apple pellets that have been dried in the oven at 200* before lighting them.  I noticed the pellets felt damp earlier.


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