Yeah i agree with the looks and overall quality and performance. Appreciate the feedback on the wood procurement. All feedback is good feedback. Thanks Rus.Franklin has brought back the barrel style fireboxes and the way fires are made apparently with no grate on bottom of that box. I have a Shirley reverseflow and love it, but a buddy has a Pits by JJ traditional and loves it. If both of the pits are built to your standards, get the one that you will enjoy looking at and using. They all run a little different and need the same amount of love to get it turned in just right for you. Cant go wrong either way!
As far as wood. Get on craigslist, usually the best place to start for bbq wood. Once you find a place you can easily BUY wood (no matter how much), then you can try to procure your own with a saw till you heart is content :).
Just my thoughts on it