Doing the bacon from hogs we butchered 2 weeks ago. Also found out some hogs don’t make good bacon. Unless u want cured smoked strips of lard. 1 of them was like that. Cured for 10 days with TQ. Rinsed off then in frig for 3 days. Fired up the old Smoke Hollow to get things warmed up for a hour. Shutdown gas. Using smoke tube with cob pellets. Will fill it again today to get about 10 hours of smoke. Then again tomorrow. Found out the tube creates enough heat to keep temps from 61-65 between 2 racks at outside temp of 28. No wind today which is usually my struggle. Then going to put back in frig for a week before slicing. If this works out for me might have to invest in bacon hooks. Hope this sound good to all you experienced cold smoker. Sorry no pics but got a late start.