Never smoked a brisket, have been talking about it for few years and figured now was the time. Father-in-law found a nice looking 11lb Prime packer at Costco so I told him to snap it up.
I have scored the fat cap down through to the meat, coated with a thin layer of mustard, and rubbed down with Jeff's naked rub.
This was done at about 8:30 this morning. Going to let it sit till about noon when I will transfer into smoker. Plan is to smoke fat side down @ 225 in the foil pan u see, the brisket is sitting up on a cooling rack so as to stay out of the juices. Once I hit 165 IT going to foil it and back in the smoker till I hit 205. At that point I'll wrap in towels and stuff in a cooler for as long as I can stand it!
Only ? Is the timing. I sure hope this thing doesn't decide to finish at 4am. If so, oh well:)
I have scored the fat cap down through to the meat, coated with a thin layer of mustard, and rubbed down with Jeff's naked rub.
This was done at about 8:30 this morning. Going to let it sit till about noon when I will transfer into smoker. Plan is to smoke fat side down @ 225 in the foil pan u see, the brisket is sitting up on a cooling rack so as to stay out of the juices. Once I hit 165 IT going to foil it and back in the smoker till I hit 205. At that point I'll wrap in towels and stuff in a cooler for as long as I can stand it!
Only ? Is the timing. I sure hope this thing doesn't decide to finish at 4am. If so, oh well:)