Finally made the Apple Butter And this is going to be great as a base for many cooks and glazes
I decided to make a separate post instead of in my last post on the Pickles and jams , as it was after the storm and power loss.
And it is a different process from the pickles
Apple butter is a lot thicker and smoother than apple sauce, and my flavor is better with the spice I add
Back in the first post with the Pickles and jams etc I mentioned I had to pick all the apples I could before the storm hit . We have 3 dwarf trees with total of 7 kinds of apples
Washed them , removed the core and chopped , leaving on the peels as that helps with the pectin for the preserve.
This time I used a slow cooker as it is more forgiving than a pot unless you are standing over it, and this takes a long time .
after a few hours the apples start to get tender, just keep stirring until very mushy.
I started to mash them and than said no use the hand blender. Than I put through a sieve.
Back into the slow cooker and added the spices
3 cups apple juice
1 teaspoon of Cardamon
1 1/2 tea of Cinnamon
1 1/4 tes of AllSpice
1 Pound of sugar ( Was going to add 1 1/2 pound but this was good to me )
After the spices it starts to turn deep golden brown
Like I mentioned this takes quite a long time to cook down to a thick consistency ,
I could have went longer but it was going on for 14 1/2 hours lol, finished at 1 am in the morning, should have started earlier,
The way to test is to put some on a plate and give it 30 seconds and than run a spoon through it and if the sides stay apart ...ready to bottle
So do the norm. washed and placed bottles into oven at 225 Deg. for half hour
Bottled and enjoyed it the next morning on my toast These are shelf safe for a year ...will not last that long, lol
The small ones are for Mona's family because I know she will be giving them to them
Like I said this is going to be great on lots of things
I think ribs will be my first test for smokes . but first on some tea biscuits
Thanks for making it to the end
I decided to make a separate post instead of in my last post on the Pickles and jams , as it was after the storm and power loss.
And it is a different process from the pickles
Featured - Pickles ,Pickles ,jams and Jellies and more ( Preserve Harvest )
Pickles ,Pickles ,jams and Jellies and more ( Preserve Harvest ) So the crops were good this year and I found ( well Mona did ) great cucumbers. So I did not get to make any pickles really last year , so made up for it this year On my list was/is : my Mustard Pickles , Bread and Butter...
Apple butter is a lot thicker and smoother than apple sauce, and my flavor is better with the spice I add
Back in the first post with the Pickles and jams etc I mentioned I had to pick all the apples I could before the storm hit . We have 3 dwarf trees with total of 7 kinds of apples
Washed them , removed the core and chopped , leaving on the peels as that helps with the pectin for the preserve.
This time I used a slow cooker as it is more forgiving than a pot unless you are standing over it, and this takes a long time .
after a few hours the apples start to get tender, just keep stirring until very mushy.
I started to mash them and than said no use the hand blender. Than I put through a sieve.
Back into the slow cooker and added the spices
3 cups apple juice
1 teaspoon of Cardamon
1 1/2 tea of Cinnamon
1 1/4 tes of AllSpice
1 Pound of sugar ( Was going to add 1 1/2 pound but this was good to me )
After the spices it starts to turn deep golden brown
Like I mentioned this takes quite a long time to cook down to a thick consistency ,
I could have went longer but it was going on for 14 1/2 hours lol, finished at 1 am in the morning, should have started earlier,
The way to test is to put some on a plate and give it 30 seconds and than run a spoon through it and if the sides stay apart ...ready to bottle
So do the norm. washed and placed bottles into oven at 225 Deg. for half hour
Bottled and enjoyed it the next morning on my toast These are shelf safe for a year ...will not last that long, lol
The small ones are for Mona's family because I know she will be giving them to them
Like I said this is going to be great on lots of things
I think ribs will be my first test for smokes . but first on some tea biscuits
Thanks for making it to the end