Double Smoked Ham (Christmas at the Bear’s Den—-2016)
These are still the Best Hams I’ve ever eaten, so might as well go for it.
Mrs Bear found this Fully Cooked Shank Portion Ham on sale for 79 cents per pound, so this 10.60 LB Ham only cost $8.37.
You will see I got to use my Basting Trick again, by putting all the Skin & Fat Trimmings in a Foil Pan with holes punched in the bottom, so the melting juices can drip down on the Ham throughout the whole Smoke. This time I also poured my Glaze over the Fat in the Pan too, and let it Baste through the holes in the Fat Pan—Worked Fine, and I didn’t have to have the door open long that way.
Before I get started, here are the ingredients for the Glaze I used near the end of the smoke. I normally put this on for the last hour, but this time I put it on earlier, because I didn’t jack up the heat for the last hour. I made a couple of changes this time, and it came out Great.
Glaze (New list):
Brown Sugar---------------1/2 Cup
Maple Syrup----------------1/4 Cup
Pineapple Juice-------------1/2 Cup
Ground Mustard------------1/2 tsp
Ground Cinnamon----------1/2 tsp
Ground Ginger--------------1/8 tsp
Ground Cloves---------------1/8 tsp
Ground Nutmeg--------------1/8 tsp
Heat in Microwave, and stir well before applying:
OK--Here we go. (Shooting to Sit down to eat at 4:00 PM)
The following is how I did it, but other ways are fine. These are all only suggestions.
Remove Ham from store wrapping, rinse well, and trim most of the exterior fat from the Hams (save fat trimmings).
Make cuts in surface of Hams, about 1/4" to 1/2" deep, all around the Ham, with openings of cuts pointing upward to catch basting juices.
Pat Ham dry, and place on a wire cooling rack, in a foil pan.
This time I put the Ham in position #4 in my MES 40 Gen #2.5, and I put all of the fat trimmings on another rack, in position #2, above the Hams.* Putting the Fat pan on #2 gives more room to pour the Glaze over than if you put it on #1.
The fat will drip down and baste the Ham.
Note: This Smoker has 6 Racks, instead of 4.
Here is how my times & temps went:
8:00----------Preheat to 225°. Also fill 2 rows of my AMNS with Hickory Dust, and light one end.
9:00----------Put Ham & fat in position. Also put AMNS on right end of Rack in #6 Position.
9:15----------Internal Temp——39°
1:30--------IT----Open door & Pour Glaze over Fat in top Pan.
2:45--------IT----144° —Cut Heat back to 150°, and open door to cool Smoker Down & Stop cooking (Smoker down to 136°)
3:00--------IT----145°----Smoker Temp—178°
3:30--------IT----149°----Smoker Temp—154°
3:45--------Bring Ham in,
4:00--------Slice, Pics, Serve, Enjoy.
BTW: Bear Jr said this was the Best Yet !! Much better than the Double Smoked Ham we paid $60+ for (17 pounds).
Thanks For Stopping By,
Can’t beat this price—$0.79 per pound——That’s 10.60 pounds for $8.37:
Here’s where it tells you it only has to get to 140° IT. Since it’s being smoked, we ignore the 325° cooking Temp:
Removing Skin & most of the exterior Fat from this Shank Portion:
On the left, Ham trimmed & on Wire cooling rack in foil pan, & ready to Smoke.
On Right, Skin & Fat Trimmings in Pan, ready to Baste Ham through holes punched in bottom of Pan:
Two rows of Hickory Dust in my AMNS, lit & getting ready:
Ham, AMNS, and Fat Baster Pan in position:
11:18 AM, and everything is going right on schedule. Can’t believe how warm it is out:
Sun was so bright, I had to put my plywood sun-block up to shade my MES Heat sensors on the back wall of the Smoker:
3 hours in, and Dust is on the home stretch.
Note the Condensation on inside of Window, without putting Water in Water Pan:
All Done, cut heat back to 150°, open door awhile to stop cooking, and hold until slicing time:
Right Side, Ham ready to slice.
Left Side Fat Spent from Basting.--Great to Chew on!
Ham Ready to slice—MMMMmmmmm……….:
Slices on right for Table, Center Back-up plate, and left to slice after Dinner:
Leftovers—Right Plate for Breakfasts & Sammies.
Left Plate for Ham & Beans (Includes Bone):
Table for 4 at the Bear’s Den:
Bear’s Favorite Dessert—Mrs Bear's Specialty "Raspberry Chiffon Pie":
Another Dessert——Waiting for the Cherries:
Bear’s Slice of Mrs Bear's “Cherries In The Snow”:
Some of Bear’s Christmas Presents from Bear Jr:
We didn’t forget Little “Smokey”:
Brand New Toys Mrs Bear made for Smokey (Fingers & Circles—Two of his favorites):
But Smokey still likes to lay on the crumbled wrapping paper—That’s Fun!!:
These are still the Best Hams I’ve ever eaten, so might as well go for it.
Mrs Bear found this Fully Cooked Shank Portion Ham on sale for 79 cents per pound, so this 10.60 LB Ham only cost $8.37.
You will see I got to use my Basting Trick again, by putting all the Skin & Fat Trimmings in a Foil Pan with holes punched in the bottom, so the melting juices can drip down on the Ham throughout the whole Smoke. This time I also poured my Glaze over the Fat in the Pan too, and let it Baste through the holes in the Fat Pan—Worked Fine, and I didn’t have to have the door open long that way.
Before I get started, here are the ingredients for the Glaze I used near the end of the smoke. I normally put this on for the last hour, but this time I put it on earlier, because I didn’t jack up the heat for the last hour. I made a couple of changes this time, and it came out Great.
Glaze (New list):
Brown Sugar---------------1/2 Cup
Maple Syrup----------------1/4 Cup
Pineapple Juice-------------1/2 Cup
Ground Mustard------------1/2 tsp
Ground Cinnamon----------1/2 tsp
Ground Ginger--------------1/8 tsp
Ground Cloves---------------1/8 tsp
Ground Nutmeg--------------1/8 tsp
Heat in Microwave, and stir well before applying:
OK--Here we go. (Shooting to Sit down to eat at 4:00 PM)
The following is how I did it, but other ways are fine. These are all only suggestions.
Remove Ham from store wrapping, rinse well, and trim most of the exterior fat from the Hams (save fat trimmings).
Make cuts in surface of Hams, about 1/4" to 1/2" deep, all around the Ham, with openings of cuts pointing upward to catch basting juices.
Pat Ham dry, and place on a wire cooling rack, in a foil pan.
This time I put the Ham in position #4 in my MES 40 Gen #2.5, and I put all of the fat trimmings on another rack, in position #2, above the Hams.* Putting the Fat pan on #2 gives more room to pour the Glaze over than if you put it on #1.
The fat will drip down and baste the Ham.
Note: This Smoker has 6 Racks, instead of 4.
Here is how my times & temps went:
8:00----------Preheat to 225°. Also fill 2 rows of my AMNS with Hickory Dust, and light one end.
9:00----------Put Ham & fat in position. Also put AMNS on right end of Rack in #6 Position.
9:15----------Internal Temp——39°
1:30--------IT----Open door & Pour Glaze over Fat in top Pan.
2:45--------IT----144° —Cut Heat back to 150°, and open door to cool Smoker Down & Stop cooking (Smoker down to 136°)
3:00--------IT----145°----Smoker Temp—178°
3:30--------IT----149°----Smoker Temp—154°
3:45--------Bring Ham in,
4:00--------Slice, Pics, Serve, Enjoy.
BTW: Bear Jr said this was the Best Yet !! Much better than the Double Smoked Ham we paid $60+ for (17 pounds).
Thanks For Stopping By,
Can’t beat this price—$0.79 per pound——That’s 10.60 pounds for $8.37:
Here’s where it tells you it only has to get to 140° IT. Since it’s being smoked, we ignore the 325° cooking Temp:
Removing Skin & most of the exterior Fat from this Shank Portion:
On the left, Ham trimmed & on Wire cooling rack in foil pan, & ready to Smoke.
On Right, Skin & Fat Trimmings in Pan, ready to Baste Ham through holes punched in bottom of Pan:
Two rows of Hickory Dust in my AMNS, lit & getting ready:
Ham, AMNS, and Fat Baster Pan in position:
11:18 AM, and everything is going right on schedule. Can’t believe how warm it is out:
Sun was so bright, I had to put my plywood sun-block up to shade my MES Heat sensors on the back wall of the Smoker:
3 hours in, and Dust is on the home stretch.
Note the Condensation on inside of Window, without putting Water in Water Pan:
All Done, cut heat back to 150°, open door awhile to stop cooking, and hold until slicing time:
Right Side, Ham ready to slice.
Left Side Fat Spent from Basting.--Great to Chew on!
Ham Ready to slice—MMMMmmmmm……….:
Slices on right for Table, Center Back-up plate, and left to slice after Dinner:
Leftovers—Right Plate for Breakfasts & Sammies.
Left Plate for Ham & Beans (Includes Bone):
Table for 4 at the Bear’s Den:
Bear’s Favorite Dessert—Mrs Bear's Specialty "Raspberry Chiffon Pie":
Another Dessert——Waiting for the Cherries:
Bear’s Slice of Mrs Bear's “Cherries In The Snow”:
Some of Bear’s Christmas Presents from Bear Jr:
We didn’t forget Little “Smokey”:
Brand New Toys Mrs Bear made for Smokey (Fingers & Circles—Two of his favorites):
But Smokey still likes to lay on the crumbled wrapping paper—That’s Fun!!:
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