Desperately searching for affordable brisket on Long Island...

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Master of the Pit
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OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Nov 3, 2013
Massapequa, NY (Long Island)
Hey all,

Not sure how many long islanders there are on these forums (NY that is). I just can't find a packer/ whole brisket anywhere. Closest I can find is pretty large flats at BJs and Costco but they are almost $5/lb. I really want to try my first brisket but just don't know where to find it. Thanks!
I live in Massapequa and the Walmart doesn't have much in the way of fresh meat. Which one have you seen whole brisket at? Do you know the ballpark price per pound? Thanks!
Gotta call the good ol' fashioned meat markets. Having a good butcher that has everyrhing is invaluable if you're a smoke junkie.
I thought about going to a butcher shop but from my experience the meat markets around here offer prime cuts that are too rich for my blood haha...I'm a budget smoker.
I live in Massapequa and the Walmart doesn't have much in the way of fresh meat. Which one have you seen whole brisket at? Do you know the ballpark price per pound? Thanks!

Well honestly after I replied I realized that maybe the Walmart in your area didn't carry brisket..., ours does at $2.79lb. See if they can order you one.

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Hey worktogthr, I am from Bethpage. I will keep a look out on things that are on sale. Good places to go that aren't pricey is John's Farm in Plainview and if you have access, restaurant depot.
I thought about going to a butcher shop but from my experience the meat markets around here offer prime cuts that are too rich for my blood haha...I'm a budget smoker.
If you're a "budget smoker" then buy the best you can afford and make the most of it. It can happen.

Sounds to me like you're looking for others to come up with an answer that you're not willing to put too much of an effort in.

Good Luck.
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Ahh, I'm in Massapequa so Plainview isn't too far. Do they sell full briskets? I wish I had access to restaurant depot but you need to have a business ID which unfortunately I don't have. Where do you usually buy brisket and what does it run you? Thanks!
I have had success at John's Farm and Best Yet. I hardly ever make brisket. I'm new to smoking. Most of the time I look at the local circulars and see what is on sale. Sometimes if I find good deals, I will throw them in the freezer for down the road. If you want really good stuff, you can check out Swan Prime Meats. Give them a heads up and they can get you anything. They always have brisket.Can be pricey at times if you have to feed a lot of people. There meat is great quality and half the times I don't even smoke it when I buy from them. Once and awhile you can score a good deal at BJ's in Levittown.

You live in Massapequa, there are more pork stores there than like any other town around here. Lots of Italians there. I have been to Fairway Market on Broadway and they had some good stuff too.
Doesn't help we live on Long Island either. Everything is overpriced. My relatives upstate got it made. They will buy livestock and go in halves and have them butchered or they always know someone who hunts and they get all types of meat for free.
If you're a "budget smoker" then buy the best you can afford and make the most of it. It can happen.

Sounds to me like you're looking for others to come up with an answer that you're not willing to put too much of an effort in.

Good Luck.

Not at all looking for people to do the work for me...I am constantly checking out flyers, visiting markets etc. trying to find affordable brisket. 4.99 a pound seems crazy to me for brisket and the butchers around here are at least double that price. Besides, isn't helping each other out one of the main purposes of this forum?
Thanks for the info Johnoogatz! I will definitely check those places out. I think part of the reason I don't want to pay too much for the brisket is because I know they are challenging and I wouldn't want to pay all that money and screw it up. Butts, ribs, chicken are more affordable so it was easier to experiment without fear of ruining something expensive. I'll let you know if I come across any good deals. Thanks again!
I hear what you are saying. Same here. I can smoke other cuts of beef in a 1/3 of the time and cost and not be worried about messing up dinner. Long Island is different than most parts of the United States. Brisket is really only big with the Jewish community during Hannukah. That is when you get the deals. Otherwise, it's crazy priced just like everything else, cause no one eats that cut around here. Smoking is not the norm, neither are family dinners in this neck of the woods. Most peoples idea of a bbq is hamburgers and hot dogs. Only know a few people who actually smoke and most of the are hunter/fisher type people. My neighbors literally drool every weekend when they smell my smoker all day.
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Hi If you have a Restaurant Depot close by, you can shop there "IF" you join the KCBS.

Here in North NJ, Walmart was hit or miss with packers.

So I joined the KCBS and now get my briskets n ribs at RD. Superior Angus Brisket $3.10.IBP choice $2.88

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Hi KCBS Kansas City Barbeque Society..

If you do have a Restaurant Depot close by check with them to make sure, you can shop as a member of the KCBS.

I've had no problem here getting RD membership once I joined the KCBS. Dues are $35.00, good for 1 year form the date you join.

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Hi KCBS Kansas City Barbeque Society..

If you do have a Restaurant Depot close by check with them to make sure, you can shop as a member of the KCBS.

I've had no problem here getting RD membership once I joined the KCBS. Dues are $35.00, good for 1 year form the date you join.

You're lucky on that one, here in Milwaukee they still want you to have a valid business license, just belonging to KCBS doesn't seem to work here in Wisconsin. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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