So here's my project and my thinking, and feel free to make recommendations as I'm using such a hotch potch of info that it may not fit together in the best way.
I've just picked up from a rearer of middle white pigs my spring supply including these 2 loin joints..
This afternoon I'm going to take off the skin and reduce the amount of fat. I'll halve each joint length ways and keep the fattest of the 4 halves for other things as that's really the chump joint still attached to the loin.
Tomorrow the joints will going into vacuum bags together with a brine mix based on these ratios..
1.8 litres water
240 gms cooking salt
40gms sugar
small pinch of salt petre
2 tsp honey
200mls apple juice
and some other flavourings
Now my plan is to brine cure the joints for 2 days, but I am aware that whist the above is a 40% solution, my 2 days may be under or over for my purposes.
I am then planning on a ten hour oak smoke (temp no greater than 20c) in the cardboard box smoker. The joints will then rest in the fridge before being vac packed and frozen.
Then come Easter the first will be defrosted, cooked gently in a roasting bag so the centre doesn't go beyond 65c and then allowed to cool before being sliced cold.
Hopefully this will be good in salads, rolls etc.
Anticipating some of the "I don't understand why you're not questions..", I am not aiming to make bacon, more a moist cold cut. Middle White is quite fatty and the belly not really good for bacon (IMHO, and especially my wives who'd pick the fat off a celery stick ).
So my prime concerns are the timings. Another alternative would be to cook the joints the day after smoking and then freeze, but personal preference is not to eat cold cuts straight from a defrost.
Thoughts welcomed.
I've just picked up from a rearer of middle white pigs my spring supply including these 2 loin joints..
This afternoon I'm going to take off the skin and reduce the amount of fat. I'll halve each joint length ways and keep the fattest of the 4 halves for other things as that's really the chump joint still attached to the loin.
Tomorrow the joints will going into vacuum bags together with a brine mix based on these ratios..
1.8 litres water
240 gms cooking salt
40gms sugar
small pinch of salt petre
2 tsp honey
200mls apple juice
and some other flavourings
Now my plan is to brine cure the joints for 2 days, but I am aware that whist the above is a 40% solution, my 2 days may be under or over for my purposes.
I am then planning on a ten hour oak smoke (temp no greater than 20c) in the cardboard box smoker. The joints will then rest in the fridge before being vac packed and frozen.
Then come Easter the first will be defrosted, cooked gently in a roasting bag so the centre doesn't go beyond 65c and then allowed to cool before being sliced cold.
Hopefully this will be good in salads, rolls etc.
Anticipating some of the "I don't understand why you're not questions..", I am not aiming to make bacon, more a moist cold cut. Middle White is quite fatty and the belly not really good for bacon (IMHO, and especially my wives who'd pick the fat off a celery stick ).
So my prime concerns are the timings. Another alternative would be to cook the joints the day after smoking and then freeze, but personal preference is not to eat cold cuts straight from a defrost.
Thoughts welcomed.