Cherry's = Jam last 2 years crows won, This year I won ( 2-1 for the crows )

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Years ago we bought a pear tree from our local farm store, they were on sale... as it grew it had tons of blooms but never grew a single pear. Never knew why until years later while looking at other fruit trees and happened to read the label a little closer... ornamental fruit trees... I felt really dumb! Was even madder at the idiot that thought up the idea!

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read the label a little closer... ornamental fruit trees... I felt really dumb! Was even madder at the idiot that thought up the idea!
Been there and done that
I also have a flowering crab apple tree, it just produces a little red berry but real pretty flowers. I also should have known better Because I make pickled crab apples and thought I would grow my own.... wrong. Its a pretty tree but not what I thought I was planting

Thanks Gary for the like and the comment. Yes came out nice thanks
Just where in Alberta are you , that's not great soil unless amended.

Hi David. I'm in Drayton Valley--about an hour and a half west and a half hour south of Edmonton.
It's terrible soil. I hauled in 3 truck loads of well aged steer manure from a friend's ranch and spread it over the lawn and flower garden area. I also compost all the clippings from our 1 acre of lawn, and that goes into the gardens.
Hi David. I'm in Drayton Valley--about an hour and a half west and a half hour south of Edmonton.
It's terrible soil. I hauled in 3 truck loads of well aged steer manure from a friend's ranch and spread it over the lawn and flower garden area. I also compost all the clippings from our 1 acre of lawn, and that goes into the gardens.
That's a lot of poop, but I bet it works from the picture in your avatar .
I was out to a friends ( retired RCMP ) in Sundre Alberta about 12 years ago. Real nice area. We took his Quads ( I call them 4 wheelers )lol, up to the foothills. Loved it , Had the wild horses following us at a distance. It was a fantastic time. Great trip

Your jam looks great.

I am in a coastal North Carolina fishing village and many folks, around here, drape Fruit trees, and berry bushes with fishing net, (it's a common commodity in this area ).

Just did a google for protective netting for fruit trees. netting for fruit trees&pc=cosp&ptag=G6C10N9923A6EFB831429&form=CONBDF&conlogo=CT3210127
Thanks one eyed jack, for the comment .
The jam was very good , especially for the first time

As for the netting I was always wondering about that but just thought . How the hell am I ever going to get netting up over the tree ( very large now ). But I went on the link you added and watched a couple of the videos and that looks doable . Will look into that for next year.
Thank you

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