Hey everbody,
Great site, I"m glad to be here.
Got a real stupid question here! Going to smoke B-Back ribs this weekend with an Electric water smoker that has two little sliding doors to check water and wood. What is the best way to check the temp on ribs? I know I'm looking for 160* to 170* range, but how do I do it? What is the best method?
I can see myself sticking a therm in a big piece of meat, but there isn't a lot of meat in baby backs? Do I just stick a therm in it and thats it? Also, what is the best therm to use and where do I stick it in the ribs?
Great site, I"m glad to be here.
Got a real stupid question here! Going to smoke B-Back ribs this weekend with an Electric water smoker that has two little sliding doors to check water and wood. What is the best way to check the temp on ribs? I know I'm looking for 160* to 170* range, but how do I do it? What is the best method?
I can see myself sticking a therm in a big piece of meat, but there isn't a lot of meat in baby backs? Do I just stick a therm in it and thats it? Also, what is the best therm to use and where do I stick it in the ribs?