Cinder blocks contain fly ash, yet it's used in millions of pits and grills around the world with no problems at all.
Google "fly ash" next time you're eating at your local favorite old school BBQ joint, or attending a local hog cook out.
Here, I'll just give you the link.
Season the hell out of the cement board by running a couple loads of hardwood through it, and you'll be fine. Remember, nobody gets out alive, live a little while you can. If you really want to worry about what you're putting into your body, Google the ingredients of your favorite can of soda pop, or the fruit snacks you're giving your kids, hell I won't even mention Kraft Mac and cheese or hot dogs. I'd be a 1000x more concerned with what pesticides our Government has approved as food safe to treat the grain that our bread and thousands of other things such as our fruits veggies, and meat.
Not to mention the chemicals we live in contact with every single day of our life's, day in and day out, that are in our building products that our homes are built out of.
Okay, I will mention it!!!
You guys crack me up.
Hmmm, I wonder what is the dye is made of that they use in cure number 1 to turn it pink???
